Does My Phone Battery Need Replacing?

Tips for checking if your battery has had it!

battery repair


As you can see the ripples on the side of the battery? This is the first symptom of a bulging battery. This usually occurs as the battery nears its end of life although i can sometime be due to overcharging or faulty charging products. However these tell tale signs are not easy to spot due to the modern method of sealing the batteries in to the phone housings

Here are some signs to look for if your having battery Power issues

1 The Phone is Dead

This may be an obvious one. Either you accidentally damaged your phone by dropping it or dunking it in water for too long, or the battery is dead. If you've eliminated the first as a culprit, check to see if it shows no sign of power - nothing lights up, no sound, nada. If the phone shows no signs of life after charging with a reliable charger, it's time to call it: your battery is dead. There is a good chance that the battery may need to be replaced. Some manufacturers like Samsung sell models that let the user replace a battery with a Samsung OEM Original Standard Battery or a third-party brand that is compatible. The Samsung Galaxy S III and Samsung Galaxy S5, for instance, have this option, while the newer Samsung Galaxy S7 does not. Apple, another top manufacturer, keeps batteries behind a sealed case with the iPhone 6s and earlier models. You have to take the phone into an authorized store for repair or replacement.

2 The Phone Only Shows Power When Plugged In

If the battery is bad, it does not hold a charge to power the phone from its stored energy. However, if the phone functions properly, the phone may still power up when a power source is connected. If the phone does not power up after it has had time to charge thoroughly, it is more than likely time to get a new battery.

3 The Phone Dies Quickly

The phone may charge for the recommended amount of time, show a full charge, and then die long before those 10 hours manufacturers advertised. Don't forget about usage. Those advertised times typically are for average usage; manufacturers like Apple and Samsung may say in the fine print what they battery life is if you're playing video all day long - or they may not. If you're a digital gamer, listen to Spotify or iTunes all day, surf the Web frequently or are simply in an area where service is so poor that your phone is constantly "turning on" to find a signal from a cellular tower, expect your battery to drain faster than advertised. Either plug the phone in where possible and use it while charging or consider purchasing a power bank. If none of these situations apply and your phone still dies quickly after a full charge, the battery probably is bad and needs to be replaced.

4 The Phone or Battery Starts to Feel Hot

Rechargeable batteries inevitably generate heat as they charge. However, most rechargeable batteries internalize the heat, thereby shielding it from becoming noticeably hot. If it starts to become hot to the touch, it may be time to consider a new battery. Then, too, consider the ambient temperature near your phone. A hot sun might be the culprit.

5 The Battery Bulges

Sometimes, when a battery goes bad, the internal cells rupture, and cause a bulge to appear in the battery. You see this when you hold the battery up or see a bulge on the casing. Additionally, a bulge makes it able to spin like a top when placing the battery on a flat surface.

All iPhone 5 - 8 series batteries are currently just £29.99